7 December 2018
Ashfield Voluntary Action held a Christmas Tea Party on 5th December to celebrate the season, showcase our work and officially launch our new website.
AVA welcomed over fifty people who had the opportunity to learn about the work we do in the community, enjoy the stalls selling craft items made by our craft group, listen to a performance by our music group all whilst enjoying a cup of tea, mince pies and a chat.
The Tea Party included stalls and stands giving an overview of the various projects we deliver. The craft group continue to raise funds for their group and were selling a wide-range of beautiful and unusual items. Ashfield Voluntary Action also used the event to thank two of our volunteers, Brenda and Robina who run the craft group on a Monday - check our 'What's On' page here to find out about this and our other activities. There really is something for everyone.
The music group meets on a Friday and performed their own song which they had written themselves and the auidience joined in enthusiastically, singing and playing tambourines. The afternoon was a great success and enjoyed by all. Please check out out our website to find out more about what we do and come along and join us - everyone is welcome.