18 March 2019
For a number of years Ashfield Voluntary Action has run an Emergency Food Bank providing food parcels for people in Nottinghamshire until they can access the food bank in their area.
The level of need has grown and we recognise that it would be better if we handed over the day-to-day operation of the scheme onto another organisation, so that they can take the scheme forward and better meet the growing level of need. We are currently in discussion with another organisation who will take over the day-to-day operation from 1st April 2019. in the meantime, Ashfield Voluntary Action will provide food parcels until 31st March 2019.
The new scheme will allow the provision of a better and more accessible service and we will keep you informed once the details of the handover have been finalised.
This has been an excellent example of partnership work in practice and we would like to thank our partners for their support in transitioning the programme to a new and improved scheme which will better meet local need.
Finally, we would like to thank our supporters for their help over the years - your support has been absolutely amazing!