Our wellbeing is greatly improved by outdoor space especially as we live through lockdown. We look at how to bring nature and the outdoors into your life even if you don't have any outdoor space
Are you struggling to put food on the table? Where do you find out about mortgage breaks, what to do if you're struggling to pay your rent or energy bills? Ashfield Voluntary Action can point you in the right direction
The Carers Trust and Ashfield Voluntary Action need volunteers to support people through the Coronavirus. Find out more about these services, how they work and how you can help.
Nottinghamshire County Council is making available a funding pot of £1 million to local VCS groups to support the local community through the Coronavirus pandemic and a new text alert service from the NHS
Ashfield Voluntary Action is working in partnership to collate and publicise information on the Coronavirus, local strategies and what is happening in our community. Visit our website and social media to keep informed...
Things are changing on a daily basis as the UK works together to reduce the impact of the virus. Please see links to a range of guidance in a number of different languages to help to keep you safe and make sure that you know what is happening.
Ashfield Voluntary Action is working together with Ashfield District Council, the local NHS Trust and the Voluntary Sector to ensure that the wider community is appropriately supported through these unprecedented and challenging times.