FAVA our new bite size approach to Volunteering



Have you ever wanted to volunteer, but simply don't have the time? Do you love the idea of putting something back into your community, but in a way that fits in with your family or other commitments? Have you ever thought, 'I wish there was a way I could get involved?' Well now you can with Ashfield Voluntary Action’s (AVA) bold and flexible approach to volunteering.


Have you heard the expression, "how do you eat an elephant?" The answer is, "one bite at a time". Here at Ashfield Voluntary Action people often say to us that they would love to volunteer, but they are at a point in their life where they just don't feel that they can make a big commitment. Well, we think that it doesn't have to be like that and we have come up with a new way of getting involved by supporting your community through 'bite-size' volunteering, or 'favas'.


FAVA stands for 'Friends of Ashfield Voluntary Action' and we want to take a more flexible approach to volunteering which means that everyone can get involved in a way that suits them and recognises busy lives and challenges people face. Some people have limited time to spare because of work, college or caring commitments. Others may have mental health issues, long-term health conditions or disabilities, all of which can mean that old-fashioned volunteering just isn't an option for them.


Una Key, CEO of Ashfield Voluntary Action commented, “...I am really excited by the new programmes and activities that we are developing at the moment; particularly by our new approach to volunteering. Whilst volunteering has always been at the heart of what we do, we recognised that some people with a strong community interest felt that more traditional volunteering opportunities didn’t give them the flexibility to fit in with their busy lives.


We love the idea of bite-size volunteering or 'fava' and feel that it will open up volunteering opportunities to the whole community.”


So if you're a busy parent with a little bit of time to spare, or you have a skill that would really help out in your community, we want to hear from you so we can match up the person with the opportunity. Maybe, you're a painter and decorator who would be willing to spend an afternoon to help paint a community room, or you have a couple of hours to deliver leaflets in your neighbourhood for a befriending scheme. It all helps and makes a positive difference. Maybe you have a disability or long-term health condition which means you find it difficult to get out and about, but you're a whizz on a computer and would love to help design and write a community newsletter.


One of our first 'FAVA's offered was from a local Primary School - the children offered to make pom poms to be sewn on to Twiddle Mitts. We are also always glad of volunteers who can knit, crochet or sew for our Twiddle Mitts. To learn more about Twiddle Mitts click HERE.


We want to make sure that volunteering really is for everyone. So if you have skills you feel that you would like to do us a fava pick up the phone and get in touch.


Please contact us on 01623 555 551 or email us at info@ashfieldvoluntaryaction.org.uk - we look forward to hearing from you soon.


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